mercredi 21 novembre 2007

Country life

Just next to the Cambodian border, yet on the Lao side, lies a seemingly infinite group of islands, where people live at a slow pace and hassles are few. The The district of Si Phan Don ("4000 Islands") is one of the Mekong's marvels. I spent three days there, but feel I could have spent a year.

The days spent here are all made of the same fashion. At 5.00 in the morning, rosters would make me up (It is UNTRUE that they wait for daylight to sing). At 5.45, I go for a scenic one-hour run, passing by cows, buffaloes, avian flu chicken, pigs, etc. Many Lao shower in the Mekong: the day is starting. After a quick breakfast, I would do an "excursion" to one of the many waterfalls that surrounds the area. The rest of the day I sleep and read on a hammock, before falling asleep in my 1$ bungalow at 21.00.

I know that my friends who were raised in the French countryside (but who am I thinking about?) must be having a good laugh reading those lines. Indeed, it is my first time spent in such a rural environment, which for any good Parisian is something unusual. But God, I have never seen such authenticity! Lao people are amazingly nice and laid-back, and, with no electricity, the Islands managed to preserve their charm despite the booming (backpacker-style) tourism. No TV, no loud music: the most relaxing place I have ever seen in Southeast Asia. In Lao, Sabai dii means both "Hello" and "I'm fine": somewhat that says it all...

Anyway, before arriving there I had to handle the border crossing from Cambodia. Basically, you cannot receive a Lao visa on arrival, which means you have to do it in advance (Phnom Penh), which means you should pay nothing at the boarder. Despite this, both Cambodian and Lao officials ask for a 'fee' - I paid 1$ and 1$50 respectively (i.e. 50 cents more in Laos, for the fallacious reason that "it is Saturday"). This is quite OK but some other people paid 5$...whatever happens, stay calm and bargain :-)

Travellers advice: The Island of Don Det is a backpacker"s paradise. Bungalow ranges from 1 to 2$, the most expensive ones should come with two windows and lights/candles. The island is not connected to electricity and most guesthouse have their generator working till 9-10PM. There are no western style toilets. So you need the following: toilet paper, flashlight, mosquito net - all this can be purchase on the Island. For the addicts, Internet is available but expensive (3$ per hour).

8 commentaires:

Foudufarwest a dit…

Yo man,

First look on your amazing Blog... good surprise.
As a good parisian I would say : " it looks like LE JARDIN DES PLANTES no ?".

Tom a dit…

Mais non Manu, t'es super crédible en campagnard t'en fais pas... ton blog devient de plus en plus intéressant, ça fait vraiment rêver.


Anonyme a dit…

Manolo découvre le calme de la campagne. En rentrant, il va ptetre s'installer dans la diagonale du vide, qui sait?
C est génial de te lire en tout cas. Bisous


Tchika a dit…

J'aime bien comment Manu nous amène à lire son blog (ce que je fais toujours avec grand plaisir), par un petit teasing par mail...

Anonyme a dit…

En rentrant de ce voyage, Manolo va s'installer loin de Paris, Bruxelles et toutes cette civilisation corruptrice !

Bisous Manolo !


Manu a dit…

Merci pour vos messages oui Yvan je me suis mis au marketing avec le teasing par e-mail, mais mais stats de visites montrent que c'est extremement efficace :-)

Anonyme a dit…

Mais non, faut pas rêver non plus, le Manu il aime les lieux où il peut trouver un choix de différents cafés et brasseries pour boire de la Chouffe avec ses amis, et où il y a au moins une librairie qui vend l'Equipe le weekend !
Et puis, malgré les inconvénients des grandes villes (mais Bruxelles est-elle un grande ville ?) y'a quand même une jeune fille qui attend qu'il rentre au bercail...

Anonyme a dit…

Salut Manolo,

Le rural te salue bien bas et y'aura toujours une tite place à Meslay le Grenet pour toi et Céline pour vôtre prochain trip roots ;-)))

Prends des photos des animaux, je t'aiderai à les identifier a posteriori pour les légendes jaja

Allez, profites-en bien