dimanche 23 septembre 2007

FAQ Part III - Packing your stuff

After the FAQs on "Why doing it?" and "Itinerary", here is the one on how to properly select the items to bring for a long trip. Indeed I started to do my bag today, partly to force me to realise that I am leaving in less than 10 days!!

Hope this will help those who fancy a trip somewhere exotic..

First of all, choosing a reliable, solid bag is critical. In terms of quantity, aim for 60 litres minimum - mine is 65+5. As far as quality, I strongly recommend to take a comfortable one, hence do not go for a cheapie...It also needs to be strong enough to resist heavy rains during the monsoon, and have several different pockets.

As a complement I will also take a smaller bag, for instance to go around cities or trekking.

Lastly, it is imperative to have a belt to be put underneath your trouser/shorts, in which you will keep your money, passport, and plane tickets. On that note, do not forget to make copies of everything, ideally scan your passport and send to your e-mail address.

In my previous trips I realised that one always tend to bring too much stuff. Hence this time I will try to be moderate with the clothes, taking only 10 days - which is already a lot according to many backpackers' websites. It's not worth bringing more: not only will you buy clothes over there, but there are also many cheap laundries all over the Asian continent!

Here is my own list - with comments:

- roughly 10 'days' of cloth, i.e. 8 T-shirts and 2 shirts, 10 pairs of socks and underwear.
- three trousers, one short;
- 2 bathing suits - at least :-)
- 2 light jumpers - mainly because I am going to the mountains in Vietnam (Sapa), and in view of possible rains; obviously if you're going during the rainy season you should take more and add water-resistant cloths...
- Footwear: a pair of walking shoes, some thongs, and I took another pair to run around the country..
- Headwear: I took my communist 'à la Che' hat, in addition to sunglasses;
- key docs: Passport, Driving License. I will not take my French identity card as I already lost all my stuff once and it was a pain to re-do everything...
- at least 4 pictures of you, necessary when doing visas at border crossings;
- 2 towels: one for hotels; one for the beach;
- toiletries: no specific comment, don't forget your sunscreen :-)
- Medicine: I will do a separate FAQ in a couple of days, but obviously this is crucial!
- A Swiss knife: in my case it is in fact a Swiss card given by my uncle some time ago..much more fashionable;
- camera, battery charger, universal adapter, flashlight;
- Mosquito repellent;
- a 'light' sleeping bag (French: sac à viande).

That's it for now - if I add anything before the departure I'll change this post...

3 commentaires:

Manu a dit…

As Jessica pointed out, "thongs" actually means "string"...I meant flip flops of course :-)

Anonyme a dit…

This is to confirm that Manu meant thongs...I mean flip-flops. Obviously.

Anonyme a dit…

lol :)
of course this is what you meant